Disciple-Making Teams
Disciple Making Teams (DMTs) are groups of 8-12 believers who come together for 10 weeks every spring to develop in prayer, evangelism, disciple-making, and abiding in Jesus. Your team will meet every week to be equipped to make disciples near and far. Your team will commit to two hours of sharing the gospel with lost people and one hour of praying for the lost and unreached together.
Global friendship Program
The Global Friendship Program is a semester-long program through Baylor University where international students sign up to be hosted by Wacoans! The unreached are coming to us from all over the world! This is an awesome opportunity to care for, love on, and share Jesus with foreigners in our midst.
Engage the lost training
Each semester we aim to host a training on what engaging the lost looks like for all members and attenders at Harris Creek. During this training, you will be equipped with practical and simple tools to equip yourself to make disciples by sharing the gospel and your testimony with family, friends, and even strangers.