A community of believers

God created us to live in community with one another. He made us with a need for relationships so that we can be encouraged and help bear each other’s burdens. Life Groups are smaller gatherings of people who are in a similar stage of life, so that you can be cared for and encouraged in your faith.

What is A Life group?

At Harris Creek, we define a Life Group as a group of 6-12 Harris Creek members who meet regularly and share the goal of living authentically and biblically. Life Groups are an essential part of our church model, so that even in a big church like ours, you can be known and loved at a personal level.

We structure our groups primarily by life stage (single adults, newly married, pre-k families, etc.). For college students and single adults, we have same-gender Life Groups.

How do I join a
Life Group?

Our Membership process is the best place to start. At the first gathering, you will hear from a pastor about the vision for Life Groups and why it is such an important part of our mission. They will also guide you on the next steps to form a group. The class meets for three weeks at the church, and then your group will be equipped with the resources and support needed to begin meeting on your own.

we are made for community


Looking for Resources?

Looking for resources to help your Life Group navigate the highs and lows of life? We have several helpful tools as you do life alongside one another in community.