A community of believers
God created us to live in community with one another. He made us with a need for relationships so that we can be encouraged and help bear each other’s burdens. Life Groups are smaller gatherings of people who are in a similar stage of life, so that you can be cared for and encouraged in your faith.
What is A Life group?
At Harris Creek, we define a Life Group as a group of 6-12 Harris Creek members who meet regularly and share the goal of living authentically and biblically. Life Groups are an essential part of our church model, so that even in a big church like ours, you can be known and loved at a personal level.
We structure our groups primarily by life stage (single adults, newly married, pre-k families, etc.). For college students and single adults, we have same-gender Life Groups.
How do I join a
Life Group?
Our Membership process is the best place to start. At the first gathering, you will hear from a pastor about the vision for Life Groups and why it is such an important part of our mission. They will also guide you on the next steps to form a group. The class meets for three weeks at the church, and then your group will be equipped with the resources and support needed to begin meeting on your own.
we are made for community
As a leadership team at Harris Creek, we feel the responsibility for “shepherding the flock” that is under our care (1 Peter 5:2). We understand our “flock” as those who have chosen to submit themselves to the leadership at Harris Creek through membership. Life Groups orient around the vision and teaching of the leadership of Harris Creek. Because of that, it’s vitally important that Life Group members have fully submitted themselves to that leadership.
You are! At Harris Creek, we have a shared-leadership model. We want everyone in the group to share the weight of spurring one another on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
Each group will have a point of contact for logistical purposes and a shepherd who will be a resource for your group, but the bulk of caring for one another well and counseling biblically will be the shared responsibility of each member of your Life Group.
Note: Our College Life Groups do have appointed leaders who have been interviewed and placed by our College Community Team. -
We have a shepherding model for groups that is designed around Exodus 18. Our intention is for every Life Group to have a shepherd who knows and cares for their group. Each shepherd is cared for by a member of our Community Team (each of whom oversee all the Life Groups for a particular stage of life). The Community Team is led and cared for by the Community Pastor, who is under the leadership and care of the Harris Creek Elders.
A Life Group Shepherd is someone who cares for and provides support to a group. Their primary role is to be a resource to your group by helping you navigate issues or conflict, providing wisdom and insight, or offering suggestions when your group gets stuck.
Everything! Pray together, make decisions together, encourage one another, resolve conflict, etc. For structure, we have provided three questions below. Each group member answers one at a time, you pray for him or her, then continue to the next person until each member has shared.
Three Questions:
Input – How did you feed your soul? What are you learning in God’s Word.
Output – How did you feed others? Did you share the gospel or spend time discipling someone or serving?
Confession – How did you feed your flesh? What sin do you need to confess?
In addition, your group may choose to discuss the sermon, follow the Bible Reading Plan, watch a topical series on RightNow Media, or read a book together.
Proverbs 11:14 tells us that “wisdom comes from the counsel of many.” If wisdom is going to mark our lives, we must be people committed to sharing all aspects of our lives with other Christ followers who can offer biblical counsel. Generally, the places in our lives that are “off-limits” or uninspected by others are the places most vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy (Proverbs 28:13).
Life Group is a big commitment, and one of the most effective means by which we can become more like Christ. A yes to Life Group will certainly mean saying no to other great things. There is a cost to be counted, but we believe the benefit will be well worth it.
Yes! We call them Newly Married Life Groups (NMLGs). Most of what is described in these FAQ questions applies to NMLGs with a few minor differences (i.e., formation of groups, leader couples, curriculum).
Email marriage@harriscreek.org if you’re interested in joining a NMLG or if you have any questions.
One of the most common challenges for Life Groups at Harris Creek is how to navigate childcare. Groups have the freedom to decide what works best for their group, but here are a few examples of what groups have done/are doing:
• Every couple hires babysitters when they have their weekly meeting
• Rotate houses every week, and the couple who is hosting puts their own kids down without a sitter
• The group hires 2 sitters (or however many necessary) and hosts all kids at one house each week
• All kids are in a playroom/in backyard during Life Group with sitters
To join a Life Group at Harris Creek, sign up for our three week membership process. Here you will learn about who we are, join a Life Group, and start serving.
If you have any questions about membership or Life Groups at Harris Creek, you can always email lifegroups@harriscreek.org.
Looking for Resources?
Looking for resources to help your Life Group navigate the highs and lows of life? We have several helpful tools as you do life alongside one another in community.