Music and Lyrics by Brennon McFarlane

Into Jerusalem you rode
On a donkey’s colt
King of all the earth and heavens Passover lamb of might
Robed in cleansing white
Gift of holy bread unleavened

For soon this bread would break
In a wondrous act of grace
Blood smeared o’er the doors of exiles Death has passed us by!
So let us raise a victory cry!
For Jesus hope of Jew and gentile!

Hosanna in the highest!

Let every nation every tribe
Lift their voice to You on high
The day is come for faith to unfurl
Into tapestry of grace
God’s only Son you came
To take away the sin of this world


So blessed be your name
Let every palm branch wave
For Jesus You sit high on your throne
Fear has been erased
For You conquered the grave
When on the third day you arose

Hosanna in the highest!

Blessed is he who comes
In the name of the Lord our our God Heavenly Father
You are my God I praise you I thank you
Your holy name be exalted
Bang on your drums blow on your trumpets let your praise rise to the altar
Hosanna in the highest!