As we move towards Easter, our team has gathered readings, reflections, stories, and original music submitted by members of Harris Creek to help prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s resurrection.
*The Bible Reading Plan will be sent out each morning of Holy Week. You can subscribe here.
A week before He rose from the grave, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. The people shouted “Hosanna!” and waved palm leaves as He approached the temple.
With his arrest and death imminent, Jesus prepared the disciples for what was to come even though they did not fully understand. He clears the temple of moneychangers and refers to it as His Father’s house.
The religious leaders debated on questions of Jesus authority. They sought reasons to arrest Him. He warned the disciples about the judgment to come. They retreated to Bethany, where friends awaited.
While sitting around the table at Bethany, a woman came in with an alabaster jar of expensive perfume and washed his feet, acting as a sort of anointing before His death. Often called ‘Spy Wednesday’, this day is also when Judas agreed to betray Jesus.
Jesus gathered the disciples in the upper room and held the Last Supper. The tension in Jerusalem was high. He broke bread and poured wine as a symbol of His body and blood poured out for the sins of the world.
Jesus is arrested overnight and taken before a series of courts, until he is found guilty and sentenced to death. Jesus is mocked, beaten, and ultimately crucified. His death is the darkest day in history.
Jesus’ body remains in the tomb, guarded by Roman soldiers. A great stone is rolled in front of the entrance to keep people from attempting to remove His body.
Jesus raises from the dead and pays the ultimate price for our sin. In the coming weeks He appears to disciples in the flesh and allows them to touch His hands and examine His scars before ascending to heaven.