Lyrics and Music by Ethan Erickson

I see the Savior walking on the road to Calvary

His cross is carried by a stranger that he knew perfectly

Beaten, bruised, and mocked by those who called him their king

A crown of thorns instead of gold adorned the prince of peace

Only Jesus could do it

Only he could pay the price

Only he could take the Father’s wrath

And give us new life

Only he could cause the veil to tear

And pour his Spirit out

Wake the dead as he cries out “it is done”

Only Jesus

I see the Savior laid down on the cross in agony

Soldiers pound the nails into his hands and his feet

As he hangs for you and me, the crowd laughs bitterly

“If you’re the son of God, why don’t you come down off that tree?”

I see the Savior’s body taken down and buried

But the tomb was only rented, he has the victory

On the third he rose again, oh death, where is your sting?

The son of God has triumphed over the enemy