Devotion and deception
by Tristen Coffee
All four Gospels speak of a woman with an alabaster jar of perfume
This is called The Anointing at Bethany
We might not know her name by all accounts…but Jesus absolutely did
She was a sinner in need of a Savior
Three Gospel accounts speak of the Son of Man being betrayed with a kiss
This is referred to as The Bargain of Judas
We know his name because he’s one of history’s most infamous traitors
He was a foe disguised as a friend, one who shared Jesus’ bread
Weeping, wetting His feet with her tears, and wiping them with her hair
Anointing His feet with ointment worth a year’s wages
In this Pharisee’s home, we witness here a prophetic preparation
A sacrifice before The Sacrifice
An act of reverence and repentance
And Jesus said, “Her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown.”
Judas Iscariot made a bargain with the Jewish chief priests
Identifying Jesus to the multitude with swords and club
In the Garden of Gethsemane, we witness a fulfillment of prophecy
One of the chosen 12 becomes a traitor
An act of betrayal and backstabbing
And Jesus said, “Do what you came for, friend.”
She gave her best, sparing no expense
It cost her everything she had
Because she believed Him to be worthy
Not knowing He was about to freely give up His life
He gave up his friend, airing his name
He threw away everything he had
Because of the misperceived worth of 30 pieces of silver
Not knowing it would cost him his life
Both stories tell of
Outsiders who were let inside
Sinful lives with varying degrees of visibility
Interrupted meals with eternal implications
Jesus’ identity proven with a kiss
Two extremes on display
Devotion and Deception
Repentance and Remorse
Belief and Betrayal
Humility and Hypocrisy
A few things remain clear
Satan was on the move
But Jesus already knew
Darkness tried to triumph
But the Light shone through
On this day, we can declare together
Death has been defeated for me and for you
As His great love has shown